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No such thing as Imposter Syndrome

There's no such thing as imposter syndrome

Unless you Believe it about yourself, there is no such thing as imposter syndrome.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

You’ve been hearing a lot of buzz lately and probably have had conversations in your circle of friends lately about “imposter syndrome”.  You may already have a clue as to what it is, but first let’s define it.  Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials defines it as: “Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where someone persistently feels like a fraud, disbelieves in the legitimacy of their own success and has a fear of being exposed

To further explain it, Psychology Today says: “People who struggle with imposter syndrome believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held.

So if two highly esteemed expert organizations say it exists, then why do I say it does not?

Why I am Writing About This

I am just going to do a little rant here because this kind of stuff drives me crazy.  When I was young and just starting out in the business world, the first thing I did was move from a large progressive farm to the city.

Because I felt that Hollywood had always portrayed farmers as “dumb” and cowgirls as “rednecks” I knew I had to re-define myself.  And just so you know, farmers are neither dumb nor rednecks.  They are entrepreneurial and highly intelligent.

Because of the “perception” of people in the city, I felt I had to hide the fact that I grew up on a farm to fit in.  Does this make me an imposter?  No, but what some might call imposter syndrome, I, myself had started to believe the societal story that farmers were rednecks and stupid.  Interestingly enough, I never thought of my father and mother as “dumb”.  In fact, both were wise beyond their years.

So, in today’s world, many people would label me as having “imposter syndrome.”  It is a good thing that no one ever told me that back then because I definitely would have believed it about myself, especially since I already had trouble believing the good things about myself.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy & Imposter Syndrome

I used to be super susceptible to what other people thought of me.  Still am a little bit I admit, but truly I would lose sleep over what others thought of me.  There were many nights I would lay awake wishing I wouldn’t have said or done something that I thought wasn’t smart. If someone would have called me an imposter, it would have devastated me, and I would not have had the success that I have enjoyed in life.

Labels are harmful.  Labels can stifle your growth.  Many times, they are not the answer.  Why?  Because they mess with your mind and once you start believing the lies of the enemy it will change your mindset, and then you will stop trying and start acting like you don’t deserve the good life, and I am here to tell you right this very minute that you  do!  God does love you so very much and he does want for you to be happy and successful.

Imposter Syndrome label will Hold You Back

Counselors and psychologist do not make any money if you are healthy.  Yes, many are sweet and very kind and there’s enough “customers” out there they do not necessarily need you, but the general public goes to doctors to get a diagnosis.  Of course we do!  If I have a problem, I want someone to tell me what is wrong and help me fix it.

But here is the problem, not all doctors are good people who want the best for you.  I’m sorry but you need to put your big girl panties on and understand and know that this is true.  There are some people who only chase the almighty dollar.  It is why they became a doctor in the first place.  I said some, not all and we have to find the people who truly want to help. In fact, most do. Most truly do want to help.

I am not a doctor but I do make money off my products.  Why?  Because I have to be able to fund this message.  And what is the message?  To help ladies understand their true worth and value.  To let them know that they are seen, heard, and valued. 

I wrote an article a few years ago entitled Speak Truth to Bullshit.  In this article I help you to discern the truth.  Many labels are just that.  Labels.  There is some form of research behind them…ALWAYS, but that does not mean that you have to believe it and then self-diagnose yourself.  In fact, I can cite research all day long about how harmful labels can be.  Imposter syndrome is many times a label designed to hold you back.  Stop using it if at all possible, and start believing in your own “I can” story.

I’ve been doing this a long time, and I want to help you grow.  I want you to find your voice.  Download your free guide here: Speak up and Shine and Be heard.  

Why to Not Accept Imposter Syndrome Label About Yourself

Back to my original statement.  There is no such thing as imposter syndrome unless YOU believe it about yourself.  Harvard Business Review in 2021 ran an article entitled “Stop Telling Women they have Imposter Syndrome.”  I ran across that article when I was doing research for this blog article.

Why, why, WHY would believe that you don’t deserve the things life gives to you?  This is not rhetorical, this is truly a question that I have for you.  Why would or do you believe this lie?  Why?

Think about that for a minute, and then write your response in the comments below.  Do you think that J.D. Vance deserves to be vice president?  Do you believe that Carrie Underwood deserves to be a superstar?  How about Oprah?  What do they have that you do not?  Think about where these people came from.  They all came from lowly roots and started with nothing just like most of us.  They are like you. 

If they would have believed that they have imposter syndrome, do you think they ever would have gone as far in life as they have?  Whether you like them or not, they started with nothing, just like us, and proved that success is possible for anyone willing to take the first step.

You can too.   You only have to believe it.  This does not happen without taking the first step.

— All of Us at one point or another in our lives

My Rant

I must stop here and rant a little bit because I am sick and tired of the media, society, our own family or friends tell us about ourselves.  Why can’t we just build each other up instead of tearing each other down?  Well, we know why the media does it, it sells more advertisements.  But, why our own loved ones sometimes?

Many times it is because if they can make you believe less of yourselves, then they don’t have to try as hard to be who they are.  You know the old saying “misery loves company”?  This is true.  So it is not about you. It is about them and their own life.

In a book called “Turning Pro” the author Steven Pressfield says “Turning pro changes how people perceive us.  Those who are still fleeing from their own fears will now try to sabotage us….they will try to make us feel guilty for this change…they will turn against us and talk us down behind our backs.”  This is done because they themselves do not want us to grow.  We will surpass them, and they do not want to have to work to better themselves.  Keeping you down to their level validates their choices and belief system.

But this is not your choice or you wouldn’t be reading this article.  You can choose to say, “I do not believe in imposter syndrome”, and take action towards your goals.  

Carl Jung quote I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

First Steps

We all want to get from “here” to “there”, and getting stuck in the middle can sidetrack our efforts, so how do we get started? It starts with taking action. Yes, but what action you ask?  You must have a “disrupter”.  If you don’t know what a disrupter is think of name brands that have made it big.  Steve Jobs invented Apple and the iPhone, Elon Musk started a luxury electric car company called Tesla.  Jeff Bezos started an online book sales store which turned into Amazon.  These were all “disrupters.”  

I’m not saying this is what you want, and if it is then go for it, but you yourself must find a “disrupter.”  It might be a brand new job, a new place to live, or it could be a simple action such as downloading our wonderful resource called Renew Your Mind Micro Course + Workbook.

Something needs to “disrupt” the flow of your mind, and start your trajectory of growth.

If you want to keep believing the lie that you are an imposter, then by all means, but my guess you don’t or you would not have started reading this article.

If you truly want to “disrupt” the downward spiral, grow in your career and your relationships, then take action.  Right now.  Today.

— Carrie Underwood

I Believe in You – No more Imposter Syndrome

I have a very VERY bumpy story myself, and as you read through some of my blog articles, you will start to see a downward spiral, and then one day, I, too became sick and tired of doing what I would call my stupid stuff and being a mess.  I wanted to get from where I was to where I am now. It was a journey, and one that I use to share with you because if I can do it, then I KNOW you can, too!

God truly loves you.  Think of a father or mother loving their child.  It’s sort of like that.  They may get mad at you, but they always only ever want what is best for you.

What can I do to help you believe that you can do this?  Well, I have this super cool product right here:

It is a fabulous “disrupter” that can start the trajectory towards so much more.  Get yours here:

Renew Your Mind Micro Course + Workbook + Bonuses.  

And, I’ll see you soon!  Be sure and let me know your thoughts in the comments below, share, like and follow.  We appreciate you so much!

Stand strong!

Joshua 1:9

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Oh, and I have a lovely article that talks about Change your Thinking, Transform Your Life. I highly recommend it.

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