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Grace and Light

Grow Your Relationship With God

Women of the Bible Study Series
Mary and Martha Friends of Jesus Character Study Bible Study Cover Page
Esther - Courage for Such a Time As This Character Study
Remember Lot's Wife Lesson + Bible Study notes Journal cover
Hannah's Heartfelt Prayer & Song Character Study Cover
Sarah-A Mother of Nations Character Study Cover Photo


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Deepen your relationship with God as you study these powerful women from the Bible who learned important lessons in their growth and faith


I joined Kay’s Bible study about 1 ½ years ago and just fell in love with her.  She takes great pride in having the study material together and uses different sources to help us in our understanding plus the lessons are well organized and thorough.  Kay has a teaching style that makes you want to dig in and pay attention to the lesson.  I am new to studying God’s word and Kay has been a great source of knowledge. I enjoy spending time reading the Bible on my own time and sharing thoughts or questions. She has been a huge part of my spiritual growth. 


Tobi R. F.

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