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Guilt and Shame – Fiendish Stepsisters

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Guilt and Shame

Here comes the guilt and shame! “You need to get it together!” That’s what I told my boss in the heat of the moment. I was just so frustrated, and she seemed like she was being a jerk. Or, so I thought. But was she really?

Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is I couldn’t sleep, and when I did, it was fitful. I felt ashamed of my comment and guilty about it.

We all have those 3:00 a.m. wake-ups where we can’t get back to sleep because of something we did or said. We lay there going over it again and again. Why? Because we care.

I call guilt and shame fiendish because they are so prevalent in today’s society. It used to be that guilt and shame kept us grounded and centered. Now? They’re just plain ol’… well, fiendish.

So, how do we solve this? Here are three great ways to deal with guilt and shame:

1. Ask Yourself: Is It True? Who Did You Hurt?

Many times, our mind starts telling us things that aren’t really true. In the above story, I told my boss she needed to get it together. Did she? Was that the truth? And if it was true, was it hurtful? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe she needed to hear that.

Sometimes, things we say are necessary. We do need to “check” others from time to time, just like we need to “check” ourselves. So, in that case, give yourself a break.

If it wasn’t true, the next step is to own it. Go tell your boss you’re very sorry and that you have no excuse. You did not mean to hurt her.


2. Prayer — How does this help with Guilt and Shame?

Prayer is the biggest and best thing you can do. When we sit in the Holy Spirit and let Jesus wrap His arms around us, only then do we find clarity for any situation.

Satan is a master at using guilt and shame against us to separate us from God. Don’t let him win that battle. He will NEVER win the war. He’s just being crafty and mean. Tell him to get away from you so you can live in peace. He will go.

Then pray some more and listen as God guides you in the direction you should go.

3. Re-frame Your Negative Feelings

Re-frame your feelings of guilt and shame by writing them down in a journal or a letter to yourself. This will provide clarity and serve as a reminder for future times of what it felt like and how you could react differently.

Is It Really Guilt and Shame or Not?

We know how we feel. The more we understand ourselves, the better we are at reacting to others.

Let go of the fiendish stepsisters—guilt and shame—and live as though God loves you because He does!

Let peace surround you as you let go of guilt and shame, forgive yourself, and learn from each thought.

Renewing the Mind Bible Study
positive self talk

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Confidence Building Entrepreneur. You are worthy. You are seen, heard and valued. You just don't realize it sometimes. The blog provides insight into mindset change from "I can't" to "I Can"! Helpful tips to overcoming feelings of anxiety, stress, self-doubt, unworthiness, fear, and other negative emotions. It's time to change your mindset to "I can" and start living with a positive mindset. We pray for you.

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