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Lonely? Winter Blues Have You Down?

Are you lonely? Do the winter blues have you down?

Winter Blues

Winter Blues Woes

So, check this out….

I was talking with one of my colleagues a couple of days ago, and she told me how down she had gotten down this winter.🥲  In fact, it had gotten pretty bad.  She couldn’t stop crying there for a while and it kept getting worse.

Fortunately, she has dug herself out of this funk, but it really pulled me back because this was someone I never would have thought would get down like that.🤗

I, myself tend to get a little down in the winter.  I’ve heard it is lack of Vitamin D from no sunshine.  I imagine that is partly true. 

I have also heard it is the let down following all the festivities of looking forward to Christmas and being with family and friends, and then all of the sudden that stops.  That’s probably partly true as well.🤔

Whatever the reason, if you live in a climate that has the 4 seasons❄️ in full force, like I do in Missouri, you definitely experience a let down this time of year.

Keep reading and I will share a few tips for overcoming this soon!

Is there Something not quite right in how you are feeling right now?

But, for now, if you feel like something is not right, then I HIGHLY encourage you to reach out to someone right now. ‼️ Despite what some people say, YOU NEED OTHER PEOPLE!!🫂  We are tribal in nature.  Reach out right now. If you feel like you have no one at all to talk to, then book a call with me. Click here now.

If you’re not feeling so much like that, but still have a bit of a case of the “winter blues” I invite you to share in the comments below some of the things that YOU do to alleviate these, so that others can read the comments and get some ideas.🤔🙏👥

I’ll start.  In anticipation for a long, cold winter, Mark and I joined the YMCA in mid December.  We’ve been going to work out 3-4 times each week and spending a couple of hours there.

This place is super cool because it has a pool, 🏊‍♀️⛹️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🚴‍♀️classes such as bicycle workouts, and kickboxing and wow, just so many classes, also umpteen weights!  Just so many!  Treadmills, ellipticals, etc.  But don’t stop there, be sure to be intentional.  We talked to the resident specialist there, and met with her and got a plan of action in place.  We now know exactly the weights, et al we need to do when we arrive. 💪🦵🙏

Tips for alleviating the Winter Blues:

1.  Call or text a friend and set a date for lunch, dinner, happy hour, a visit to a museum…something!  Here in KC we have the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art that is world-class and will take a couple of days to truly enjoy it all.

2.  Join a Group and attend their functions and meet some new friends!  We are a member of the local Chamber, church, etc.  Check out local Face Book groups and see what is going on.  I see several that are very social.

3.  Get a puzzle.  Strangely enough, this is soothingly fun at times.  No, I wouldn’t want to do this every day, but it sure is nice once in a while. You can readily see accomplishment for your actions and it is fun to watch the picture appear!

4.  Find a new hobby or make something crafty.  The Internet is full of wonderful ideas for this. Be sure to try different types of searches such as “easy homemade crafts” or “how to make a table runner” or “easy home woodworking projects for women.” You get the drift. I like The Spruce, but really there are so many great sites for this, and watching your accomplishment take shape is so awesome!

5.  Start getting ready for spring by planning your garden or making a garden box to fill with dirt so you’re ready to plant tomatoes, radishes, green peppers, onions and so on!  Way cool! 

6.  Join a gym and go 3-4 times a week an hour or two at a time!  So fun plus the added bonus of getting in shape for swimsuit season!

Whatever your ideas, share them below so others can enjoy.  Let’s get this going!  The really important thing is to stay away from idol hands and get moving!

Rather than leaving your mental wellness up to chance, I highly encourage you to take action now for alleviating the Winter Blues.

By the way, I have a super cool FREE prayer journal that you can download. You will totally love it, and it will help with anxiety and stress. The good news is it is only 30 days, and it will help kickstart you into the right mindset for success. You are a growth-minded Christian woman and sometimes we get stuck in the mud of our own meddlesome brain! Let’s dig out of this stress and anxiety today. Download it here.

Free Prayer Journal — Download it now to get rid of those Winter Blues, Anxiety, & Stress!

Blessed Beginnings

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Confidence Building Entrepreneur. You are worthy. You are seen, heard and valued. You just don't realize it sometimes. The blog provides insight into mindset change from "I can't" to "I Can"! Helpful tips to overcoming feelings of anxiety, stress, self-doubt, unworthiness, fear, and other negative emotions. It's time to change your mindset to "I can" and start living with a positive mindset. We pray for you.

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