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Bold – Speak Truth to Bullshit

Speak Truth to Bullshit

What are You Afraid of?

Bold – Speak Truth to Bullshit. This is one of my favorite advice lines of all time. I have a coach who says this quite a bit. If you are worried about anything at all. If you are overcome with fear, self-loathing, or any mental health issue then this one simple phrase is the key and first step to your serenity.

Especially when you are down and are starting to be depressed, the most constructive thing you can do for yourself is to search your mind and write down all your thoughts. Be sure to write down every thought you’ve had in the last 24 hours. Next, go through all the words you wrote down and place a “T” next to words that are really and truly TRUE! Place a “BS” next to anything that is really just Satan telling you something that he wants you to hear.

When you do this exercise, you will begin to discover what exactly is going on in your mind and that will be the first step to mental health and stability. (I really want to place a big ol’ happy face here…just in case you’re an emoji lover.)


Listen to that little niggling voice inside your head that tells you that something just isn’t right. I’ll give you an example. The big push right now is to de-fund the police. Talk about sticking your head in the sand! There are people today who tell themselves that there are no bad people in this world and that people will behave if you give them a chance, and then at the very same time they want to regulate our actions. This makes no sense to me. You can’t have it both ways. You’re either for giving up all your freedom to the government, or you’re against it. (Personally, I vote against that myself.)

Does any of that sound right? No! Speak truth to bullshit. That makes no sense at all. Setting murderers and thieves lose with no one around to keep sane people safe is total bullshit.

Listen. Just listen to what your heart is telling you. Is it the truth, or is it bullshit? Could your brain be telling you that you are not worthy, when you know inside your heart that you are valuable? Listen to your heart and know that you are worthy and that you are unique and interesting. You are funny and sensitive and more importantly that you are loved.

Speak Truth to Bullshit — You Are Loved

Speak Truth to Bullshit

I love the little buttons that Helzberg Diamonds give out. They keep a bowl of red buttons with white writing that say “You Are Loved.” When I was a teenager out running around the mall with my friends, we always went in and picked up these “I am Loved” buttons and wore them around. I am sure that I still have several of them in my jewelry box.

Go get you one and wear it around awhile. You will be surprised at how others react when they know they are loved, and it will teach you, yourself how loved you truly are!

When your inner self starts making you doubt yourself, remember this little story and stop listening to it. It is dangerous to listen to bullshit because it completely dismisses the truth, so when you are bold and speak truth to bullshit, it loses its power to harm. I shall repeat that because it is very important… It is dangerous to listen to bullshit because it completely dismisses the truth. When you are bold and speak truth to bullshit, it loses its power to harm.

Bullshit is More Dangerous than Lies

The reason bullshit is more dangerous than lies is because it completely dismisses the truth altogether. The biggest and most dangerous piece of bullshit in today’s world is the “gender neutral” bullshit. There is NO such thing as gender neutral, folks.

God made the first man, Adam and then he placed Adam into a deep sleep and removed a rib and from this he made woman so that man would not be alone. This is a very simple concept, but by muddying the waters with bullshit and completely dismissing the truth, people don’t know what to believe and then they are drawn into a web of deception in which their mental health suffers.

Be bold-speak truth to bullshit. If we don’t start doing this, all of our mental sanities will suffer.

You can read more about Adam and Eve in the first book of the Bible–Genesis.

Mental Bullshit Takes Flight

Mental bullshit takes flight when you don’t know what to think anymore. We are at our most vulnerable when we are confused. When there is no clear path to truth, our mental instabilities become in disarray and this can eventually cause a mental breakdown.

Don’t let this be you. If you are confused about something, then seek answers from qualified individuals…oh and your best friend is not necessarily a qualified individual, so keep this in mind.

What is confusing you right now? Define it. Write it down on a piece of notebook paper and think about it. This will provide further insight for you.


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Spotting Bullshit Can Be Difficult At Times

After all, it sounds good to “accept everyone”, right? Acceptance is not the same thing as approval, nor is it the same thing as knowing the truth, speaking it, and disagreeing with something someone you love or care about says.

It doesn’t mean you don’t love them, but for some reason in today’s culture they take it to believe that. It also doesn’t mean that they will hate you if you cry bullshit on them. Many times they will respect you for speaking truth to bullshit.

I don’t know about you, but I’m very tired of watching everything I have to say just because it might offend them. Whoopie dingo! It is time to offend them if that is what it takes to speak the truth!

Stand Up! Speak Up, and Let Your Own Voice Be Heard

Your mental health will begin to recover and grow and strengthen as you gain your courage to speak the truth to the bullshit you just heard.

Remember, bullshit is not an outright lie, it is a total dismissal of the truth. Truth is important. Let’s treat it that way! Be bold and speak truth to bullshit.

Here’s to you. Cheering for you! Put your thoughts in the comments below.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:6
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Stand firm then, with the best of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 
Ephesians 6:14
The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.  Proverbs 12:22

Read now about how to relieve anxiety. This is such a great article and ties right into this one!

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Confidence Building Entrepreneur. You are worthy. You are seen, heard and valued. You just don't realize it sometimes. The blog provides insight into mindset change from "I can't" to "I Can"! Helpful tips to overcoming feelings of anxiety, stress, self-doubt, unworthiness, fear, and other negative emotions. It's time to change your mindset to "I can" and start living with a positive mindset. We pray for you.

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