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Do What You Say

5 Quick and Easy Strategies to Help You Remember to Do the Things You said you Were going to Do

Do you do what you say you’re going to do?

There’s a disconnect going on right now in our society. 

Someone will tell me they will call me back “tomorrow” with the answer to a question, but I don’t get the return call.

Why not?

Are you struggling with this?  It can be very frustrating.

Do What You Say

I have a theory about this.  I think there is so much going on …so many distractions that we can’t think.  If we don’t get something on our calendar, then we completely forget about it.

It is time to slow down.  But how?

5 Quick and Easy Strategies

#1 – Don’t promise something if you’re not going to do it.  Period.  I’ve always heard, “don’t make promises you can’t keep.”  This is so important because a “man’s” word means something, or it should.  If I can’t rely on you, then what good is your word?

#2 – Put it on your calendar if you have trouble remembering.  I’ll wait.  Go ahead and add that right now while I have you on the phone.

#3 – Slow down and shut off.  Put your phone in the kitchen or someplace other than your pocket and don’t pick it up unless you need to make a call. 

#4 – STOP Scrolling Social Media.  It is a sickness, and it distracts you from being the kind of person you want to be and it keeps you from thinking of the things that YOU need to think about instead of what others think you should be thinking about.

#5 – Boredom is the cause of creativity.  You heard me.  When you allow yourself to get bored, then you start thinking.  When you start thinking, your mind wanders and low and behold you get a wonderful idea.

Do You Do What You Say You Will?

When someone doesn’t do what they promised, don’t take it personally.  They are fighting the “oh I need to remember to do that” syndrome that is prevalent in this society.

In order to keep your own peace, remind yourself this is the case, and remind the other person what they promised to do.  They will thank you for the reminder and apologize that they didn’t get back with you. 

Then move on.

If you’d like to change this, then let’s get together and talk.  I can help you slow down, pause, pray, and get into your right mindset for change.

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  1 Peter 1:13

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