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Armed with Confidence 5 Ways to Forge Your Sword

Forge Your Sword and Armed with Confidence 5 Ways to Forge Your Sword can be daunting for many of us. But there are key ways you can do by not getting immediately to the point, but finessing your way to it. I can this wisdom, and we all could use a little more of it.

Forge Your Sword

Forge Your Sword can be difficult because in today’s world things that immediately “sound” good are not always good. You have to learn to be discerning and here’s an example: “we don’t want to exclude anyone.” Your first thought is, “of course not…that would be terrible!” But here’s the truth, no matter how hard you try you WILL ultimately exclude someone.

Here’s what I mean, and I’ll get directly to the point. If you “exclude” a Muslim by suppressing the true meaning of Christmas so that they don’t feel left out, you exclude all true Christians who know the truth. That Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, and he is our Savior who died to set up free from our sins.

When you say “Happy Holidays” to me, you just offended and excluded me. Not your original intent and weren’t you trying to “include” everyone? Didn’t work, did it?!

That is just one example of how some things “sound” good when you first hear them, but if you stop and really listen, they are not a truth. They are an opinion and a bad one at that. Again in order to forge your sword you have to be on the lookout for these things that “sound good”.

1. Ask the Right Questions

Don’t immediately agree or jump in being offended. Begin by asking questions and zeroing in on the offensive remark. It could be that we just misunderstood the other person, or it could be that what they just said wouldn’t make sense to them if you continued to ask more questions.

Pause, calm down, think, and ask a few questions. It’s ok. If they’re offended, they will get over it. Tomorrow is another day. I think what you’ll find is that the other person feels valued because you stopped to ask them about their thoughts.

2. Pause and Think – Forge Your Sword

Spend a few seconds getting your thoughts in order before you respond. This is truly interesting because if you pause long enough, the other person will get a bit nervous and re-phrase their previous comment because you didn’t immediately respond and agree.

Even if they do not re-phrase, you will allow them to also pause and think about their comment. It allows both parties to get their thoughts in order.

3. Stand In the Truth

This is perhaps the most notable, and the most important of all the ways to Forge Your Sword. This tells the other person that although they are certainly welcome to share their viewpoint, you have already thought this through to the point that unless there is some Biblical statement that would make you re-think this, you have already thought this through thoroughly and plan to stand in the truth.

An example here could be the vaccine for COVID, and I know that there are two reasons to get a vaccine. This has been true for centuries. Those two truths are that vaccinations are given to either prevent the illness, or to cure the illness. The current vaccine does neither one of these. Vaccinations were never supposed to be developed in order to make a pharmaceutical company rich, or to make a politician look like they care.

Forge Your Sword

4. Some People Refuse Wisdom

There are leaders and there are followers in this world. Followers do not care anything about wisdom, they only want to follow someone else so they don’t have to think for themselves. They quickly assess a situation and look around and see who has the most followers and blindly follow them. Is this you?

These followers lack the self confidence to think for themselves. Did you know most of the Jews blindly followed Hitler to the mass prisons and to their death? Why? Because Hitler told them he was leading them to a better life and that he would take care of them, so they went.

The thing to always remember here is “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” I divert you back to way #1, ask lots of questions. Are you a leader? Or are you a follower?

5. Forge Your Sword Takes Time and Practice

This is not an overnight process; however, it can go a lot more quickly if you choose to focus on this skill and push forward with it. You need a coach. Coaches are the best way to help you get a jump start on learning to speak up and be heard and valued.

Do not expect results over night. The very fact that you are reading this article all the way through shows that this is important to you.

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Biblically based

Build Strong Relationships

God is within her, she will not fall;

Psam 46:5

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.

Isaiah 46,4

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.

John 15:4

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