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Free Power! Making a Decision is your Pathway to Liberation

But I Dislike Making a Decision

Free Power! Making a Decision is your pathway to liberation. It is over-the-top relief! Have you ever struggled with figuring out what you really want in life? Many people dislike making a decision and defer to others. DO NOT DO THIS!

Most of us have and most of us still do this if the truth be told. Why is this so hard? Because in this day and age there are so many options that it is paralyzing. If we stop and make the decision of what we really want that means that I no long have choices.

Or at least that is what you are telling yourself. This is not the truth. Hear me on this.

The very fact that you don’t make a decision, this is a decision in and of itself. You made the decision not to make a decision. Yep! I’m shaking my head, too! Eureka!

Decision Making

If You Are Not Making a Decision, You are Living in the Past

You have a dream, but you fail to actually live your dream. Why? Because you have not made the clear decision to go for it. You are still living in the “I can’t” past where dreams didn’t always work out for you.

This, again, is a decision NOT to achieve your dream. We all have choices in this life, and we all come to different pathways that lead different directions.

In order to actually go for your dream, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone to achieve your dream? Well, are YOU????

Decisions End So much Internal Suffering

You would be so surprised to find how much more liberating making THE decision is. If you truly make THE decision, then you will follow it up with MASSIVE actions that lead to your goals, and this all starts with MAKING A DECISION.

Let’s face it you didn’t get where you are by accident. You had an idea of what you wanted your life to look like, and that it the way it turned out.

Maybe not. Maybe you didn’t have a clue what your life would look like and this is where you landed. If that is closer to the truth, then it is time you took a good hard look at your life. Are you happy? Are you where you want to be? Why or why not?

If you are not where you want to be, and many of us are not, then it is time to make a decision.


Goals on Track

Goal Setting and Goal Management Software for High Achievers

What Is that Your REALLY Want? Making a Decision

Making the decision of what you really want is challenging for most of us because it takes a LOT of soul-searching. When I did this exercise a while back, I had found that I was holding myself back because of my thinking surrounding my mother and father, but mostly my mother.

My mother used to make statements like, “I don’t need anything, or I have everything I need.” This is why I honestly believed that this was the way I was supposed to live my life. I seriously did NOT take God and all that I had learned from reading my Bible and taking several professional development courses into consideration.

After all, if I went against my mama then I was disrespecting her, AND there is no way my mama could be wrong about anything. I cherished her. After she passed away, and after the sorrow of losing her had subsided somewhat, I began a course of self-discovery. What I found out was that my mama was not wrong. No! She was not wrong at all!

My mama was following the course that SHE set for HER life. Not mine. The decisions she made were exactly right for HER.

Making a Decision that Will be Right For ME

My life is not my mom’s life. This was such a hard concept for me to realize, but when I did I broke down and cried. I had been wasting my career and the intelligent gifts that God had giving me because I was so afraid to go against what my mama believed.

She wouldn’t have cared and she would have been very happy for me that I was following the goals and course that I had set for myself.

What a loss! Wrong. This is what I thought. You see every decision I have made in my life has been right for me at the time and God was whispering in my ear. Sometimes I would forget to listen, but he was always there guiding me because God has a plan for each and every one of us.

Every decision I have ever made has led me straight to this place where I can help you discover your full potential.

Every Decision I have Made has been Right for ME!

Use your authentic heart when making a decision. What does this mean? This means that you have to take some time to really search your soul for what you really want and listen for God’s word in your ear. He will steer you in the right direction if you will only stop and listen to him. He led me here to you because he knew how I enjoyed helping others.

Maybe you want to change jobs, or start your own business, or maybe you’ve been dating for a while and feel like it could be time to get married but you are just not sure so you are putting it off. It could be that you know and believe you would be a great entrepreneur, but you are scared to start your own business.

Whatever the decision is that you have been putting off, making that decision is liberation! Then once the decision is made you go full steam with massive action.

Try this Goals On Track Software to track your goals to be a high achiever and make your dreams come true.

What decision have you made? Write it in the comments below and it will make it real! You got this.

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.
Proverbs 4:5
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12
Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully 2 John 1:8
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Check out my last post…Speak Trust to Bullshit. You will LOVE it. I promise! It’s so enlightening!

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Confidence Building Entrepreneur. You are worthy. You are seen, heard and valued. You just don't realize it sometimes. The blog provides insight into mindset change from "I can't" to "I Can"! Helpful tips to overcoming feelings of anxiety, stress, self-doubt, unworthiness, fear, and other negative emotions. It's time to change your mindset to "I can" and start living with a positive mindset. We pray for you.

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