What Does Domestic Tranquility Mean and Why Should I Care?
Peace at Home and Domestic Tranquility. What does domestic tranquility mean and why should I care?
Well, how do you like peace at home? Do you crave it? Or are you one of those who loves keeping people off balance? Or do you think you’re not normal unless you are constantly off-balance?
I crave peace at home. It is what sustains me. I simply must have peace at home or I won’t be happy.

Peace at Home – Why Should I Care?
If you happen to live in a country that does not value domestic tranquility, then you will know exactly what I’m talking about. USA is one of the very few countries that actually place this inside of their constitution and it is one of the reasons why America is so popular.
You should care about this because it directly relates to your happiness and peace. When you walk into your own home, you will have peace if you so desire because it is a law that no one can come into your home and mess with you. It is private and it is yours alone.
Peace At Home I Can Story
Picture it. You are sitting in your living room watching a great movie with your family, and in walks a group of people who tell you to leave right this minute. You can’t take anything with you, just get out or risk your life. If you’re lucky, you can put your shoes on, but you’re not allowed to take anything at all.
The government has seized everything you own…because they can. You’ve worked your whole life to afford that house, and you have to work tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter, you must leave. Or worse, like the Jewish people in Germany, they take you to prison and make you work with little food.
There is no peace and tranquility at your home. It is subject to seizure at any time. The government is in charge of everything. Period and end of story.
That Can’t Happen!
Oh but it does in many areas around the world. Look at Afghanistan right now today as just an example. “Yeah, but…that’s a different country that was taken over by bad men” you say. “That can’t happen here.” You are mostly correct in that statement. It can’t happen here because of our U.S. Constitution, but it can if that Constitution gets broken in any way.
Many people today are not educated on what the Constitution is and what it does for them. They further don’t understand why they should even care because “it doesn’t affect them.” It does affect you every….single….day of YOUR life and that is because you have the right to “domestic tranquility.” It is actually being taught in today’s public schools. People believe the government is there to take care of them. Make not mistake, that is not what it is doing.
Bureaucrats who collect a salary and are paid by our tax dollars and have a government job are not working for you, they are working for department heads who tell them what to do. Those department heads are told what to do by the commissioners in charge that are assigned by the president and their cabinet, but that doesn’t mean they are doing what they are assigned to do.
Do You Know People who Do not do What They’re Told?
This is true of many people. Do you speed? Do you know anyone who lies on their taxes? People don’t do what they’re told in many cases, so it’s important to understand and be happy about the term “domestic tranquility” inside of the US Constitution.
It is also important to vote for people who will uphold and cherish “domestic tranquility” or peace at home. Keep that in mind this November when you go to the polls and don’t vote for your “party line”, vote for the person. Get to know who they are and what they stand for.
Here’s a super cool organization that can help: MyFaithVotes.org
Peace at Home – Who Do I Believe?
There are people out in cyberspace that would have you believe them and tell you that all their information is “research based” so you should always believe what they tell you. Here’s what you ALWAYS have to look at, what is their motivation? Why are they telling you the things they are telling you? Because they love and believe in your happiness? Is what they are telling you true? Is is believable and most importantly is it kind?
Kindness is where it gets hard to see. Someone spouting a hurtful meme does not scream “kind” to me. People spewing venom doesn’t especially sound kind to me. My purpose for writing this in case you are wondering is because I love my Country, and I don’t want anyone to take away my freedom, so if I share stories like this, then more people will be knowledgeable and understand and help to fight for our peace.
I’m not just talking about taking up arms. No, that is not something that I would do unless it was a complete last resort, and then I’d have to have training because I have no idea how to work a gun. No, I’m talking about fighting through our words.
More about Peace – Domestic Tranquility
Here’s another great article that further elaborates on who really and truly cares about you and your well-being: Family Faith is Vital to Mental Health – Love Mindset Focus.
Good luck! And always pray for pure peace at home.

Listen to the cry of my people from a land far away; "Is the Lord not in Zion? Is her Kind no longer there?" Jeremiah 8:19
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2
But about the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom." Hebrews 1:8
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. Hebrews 2:1
#domestictranquility #peace #peaceathome #standupforyourbelief #selfimprovement #positivethinking #personalgrowth #positivity #happiness #writing #selfworth #begoodtoyourself #positivevibes #inspiration #selftalk #recovery #coping #mentalillness #selfcompassion #lifelessons #lifegoals #positivevibes #positiveviber #myicanstory #icanstory #ican #alone #lonesome
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