5 Surprisingly Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Grow in Confidence and Leadership
When you first set out in your career let’s face it, you just wanted a job. You needed money to pay the rent, and that is all that mattered at the moment. Over time you began to realize you wanted more.
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Your wants and needs changed in both your work and your relationships. You started to want a little more….an increase in pay, a better relationship with your spouse, or boyfriend, or maybe you just want a great boyfriend because you’re tired of the duds.
Whatever the want and need it really boils down to one thing: confidence. You wanted to first know what you wanted, and as this developed, you wanted the courage to step up and go for what you wanted.
You want a raise. Alright, that takes courage to ask for and confidence in your abilities, but you admit that you aren’t sure about you. These 5 verses will help you know God’s plan for you and see that you are worthy of the things you are trying to achieve.
5 Powerful Bible verses to Give you Confidence
#1: Titus 3:5, 7 – Justified! Heirs! Grace! – Confidence!
“God doesn’t have time for me. I’m just one more of the billions of people who have lived in this world over time.” Be honest. Is this something you have said to yourself at one time?
I know I have. But then it happened. I came across a passage in Titus 3:4-15 which I highly encourage you to read in its entirety looking up works like “justified”, “righteousness”,
Titus 3:5 says – he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and the renewal by the Holy Spirit.
“He saved us.” Do you believe God when He speaks? Do you believe the Bible is God-breathed? It is, and if you do not understand that, then you really need to download First Steps 30 Day Journey in faith. So, if you do believe God never lies, then why do you doubt this one simple statement?

If you know you are saved, and you believe in God’s mercy, then you must believe that He only wants the very best for you; otherwise, why would He have sent his only son to die on the cross for us? Pause for a minute and absorb and completely understand this profound sacrifice and you will start to gain just a little bit of confidence in knowing how important you are.
Heirs and Grace –
Titus 3:7 continues with – so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
What is an heir? It is someone who receives from a parent or ancestors by legal succession. When I heard the term “heir” it stopped me in my tracks. Wait. What? I am an heir of God’s? WOW!! Wow. Seriously! I want that. I truly do.
What does justified me? And grace? Justified means to be “just, right, or reasonable, vindicated. To be guiltless.” Now I don’t know about you, but I sure have a lot of guilt, so that means God is offering a way out….to be guiltless because our sins were paid through Jesus’ death on the cross. Ok so, now grace. What is grace? Well, first you must understand that there is no grace without God. Period. The term does not exist outside of God.
Secular society will tell you that is not true, but believe me when I tell you the only grace worth having is the peace and grace of God. While man can provide you with their grace, that’s fine and it does make life easier, but truly the most precious gift is the grace of God. It is mercy. It is an undeserved favor from God, and if you want to learn more about this, I teach a one-on-one course. Just drop me a note.
Because you know all of this now, can you see why and how you can build confidence from this? Moving on to the next verse.
#2: Philippians 4:6-7 Confidence with Anxiety and Prayer
Well if #1 isn’t enough to convince you, this verse is so powerful that you shall immediately begin to calm down.
Philippians 4:6-7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
This is a mic-dropping moment for me. It humbles me, brings tears of relief and comfort to my eyes and immediately brings me peace.
How amazing is it to know that if we just pray with thanksgiving and present our requests to God that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds?
Let’s pause here and say this prayer:
Lord God, I give you all my anxieties about everything to you. I thank you. I praise, and I love you with deep abiding love and praise. Thank you for sending Jesus to abolish my sins and leave me guiltless. I am so thankful to one of your heirs. Please provide me with peace and grow my life and my spirit so that I may be a beacon to you. In Jesus name. Amen.
#3: 1 Timothy 4:4 – Everything God Created
Why is this Bible verse so crucial? At first glance, you may not even be sure God is talking about you. But, he is.
1 Timothy 4:4 – For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.
Did you know there is an “if” in this statement. In Biblical times there were not words like “great”, “awesome,” “wonderful,” “amazing.” No, there was only the term “good” and it was sufficient. It was simple. It was the perfect word. Something was either good and the only other option was bad. That’s it.
So, for everything God created to be good it is the same thing as saying “great, wonderful, amazing, stupendous” and whatever other synonym or WordHippo you can come up with. God is good, and that’s all you need.
Ok, so given the fact that everything God created is good, that means you are good – IF received with thanksgiving.
Have you been thanking God lately? If so, then you should feel your confidence grow. If not, well then you have some work to do. Make it a daily practice to thank our God for everything and ask Him to take the burden from you.
Your confidence will grow every day you have thanksgiving in your heart and share that with God.

#4: Joshua 1:9 Be Strong and Courageous
When I was a little girl, I was fearless. Well, up to a point, but I felt I could accomplish anything I knew I could. Whether that was true or not always remained to be seen, but I at least went into every project thinking I could.
I learned over time what worked, and what didn’t. More times than not it was the “what didn’t” that prevailed, but hey at least I stepped out and tried. Over time, though and after continued failures, I learned not to think that I could do anything. This is natural but if history has taught us anything it is only the tenacious and sustaining souls are the ones who make it. Who are you?
Joshua 1:9 reads – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go..
You got this. Why? Because the Lord your God is with you. Period. Kaput. So stand up! Be heard and valued to yourself and to your boss. To your co-workers, to your spouse and children. To your boyfriend or boyfriend-to-be, whatever the case may be. You got this …WITH God’s help and Spirit.
#5: Ephesians 2:7-10 Confidence by Grace
In order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:7-10
Reread that over about 3 times if you need to understand it. Better yet, print it and put it around your house for use and reminder on a daily basis what it is telling you.
If you were to read these verses every day before work and before you started your day, I promise you over time it will sink in to the point that it will build you up and you will start living the confidence the Apostle Paul’s words were warranted to do. These are reminders of God’s love that he has poured out to you through the love of his son Jesus Christ and through God’s grace and mercy.
Stand up for yourself, and you are standing up for God. It really is that simple.

So what are Your Next Steps in Your Road to Confidence?
You only have one life to live. By now it should be very clear to you that your dreams are within reach, you only have to live these 5 sets of verses to achieve what you want. Know and believe in the Grace and Mercy of our Lord God almighty, and know and believe that you are beautifully and wonderfully made in His likeness. Psalms 139:14.
The best way you can honor God is to honor yourself through His eyes and ripple that love out to everyone around you.
Step one – Read and follow God’s word daily.
Step two – decide exactly what you want, and then ask for it.
Step three – trust God.
If you like this post, you’ll also like How to Overcome Feeling Stuck and Anxious: 5 Steps to Regain Confidence and Move Forward

I wanted you to be able to print these verses for your own use. I recommend printing them on card stock and placing them around the house. Download these PRINTABLES for FREE here: Powerful Bible Verses Scripture Cards

Stop by and say hello. Tell me about yourself. Have a beautiful day! K.Kay
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