Uplifting music can lift your life and love through its transformational lyrics and it can bring about spiritual enlightenment.

One of the absolute greatest songs of all time is Amazing Grace and you will want to listen carefully to the words.
This song and its lyrics appeals to the masses. It is timeless in its message and universally loved by people all around the globe. It is deeply personal and offers a message of hope to even the least of us.
Uplifting Music — Amazing Grace History
The history surrounding the writing of this song is one of complete and utter brokenness. John Newton was a troubled and motherless boy. He ran away from home before his teens and followed his father to the sea. Sailors back in the mid 1700s were a wiry bunch to say the least. They were uncouth and rabble-rousers that didn’t seem to have much in the way of moral values.
Gaither Vocal Band – Amazing Gracealt=”amazing grace” from gaither-vocal-band on GodTube.
Eventually, John was just like them and he became the captain of a slave ship. The slave-ship industry is the lowest of the low. It was a deplorable, evil trade. There was something buried inside of John that couldn’t be denied. He knew it was wrong.
One day he found God through a series of events the shook him violently to his core during a horrendous storm at sea. Faced with his own mortality, a distant memory of his mother came to him. He did what he had seen his mother do countless times. John’s knees hit the floor of the ship and he prayed to God.

Miraculously, the storm subsided and within a decade, he because a follower of Charles Wesley. John became a pastor and wrote the words to this song of repentance. Today it is one of the top 5 most beloved and well-known gospel songs of music that is uplifting in its message and notes.
It touches your very heart and soul through its lyrics of loss and repentance. We, too, can be saved through the love of Jesus Christ.
Uplifting Music — Blessed Assurance
Another uplifting hymn that has been around awhile is Blessed Assurance. Again, the story behind this author is an amazing one. Fanny Crosby had been a beautiful, healthy baby, but at 6 weeks caught a cold and her eyes became inflamed, a doctor who didn’t know apparently didn’t have the right skills put the wrong treatment on her eyes and she ended up blind. Then a few months later her father died and her mother was forced to work as a maid. Thankfully, Fanny’s grandmother helped to raise her and instilled in her a love of Scripture, a love of poetry, and a heart of gratitude to Jesus.
Out of the darkness springs eternal Light. Over her lifetime, Fanny published between eight thousand and ten thousand hymns in addition to numerous secular songs. She is the most prolific songwriter of all time!
Some of her best remembered hymns include, “Saved by Grace”, “to God Be the Glory,” “Safe in the Arms of Jesus,” and “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.”
Although she was blind, Fanny Crosby could see spiritual realities much more than any of us who can physically see. What a gift. give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessolonians 5:18
alt=”blessed assurance”Alan Jackson – LIVE – Blessed Assurance from bible91 on GodTube.
Uplifting Music – The Old Rugged Cross
This was one of my granmother’s all-time favorite hymn. She used to play it on the organ at church and even at the age of 98 she played it at church just a few months before she passed away. Now granted, she probably was a little wobbly at that point, but she did play it. How amazing is that?
This particular rendition is so very powerful and I know you will love it like I do.
What is your favorite hymn and how does it forge your sword when you hear it? Do you prefer the newer worship songs?
Uplifting music and scripture go hand in hand and if you are looking for a way to get yourself out of a funk, there is no better way than to find yourself some uplifting music.
Need a little pick-me-up? Here’s a great article that will bring about some new thoughts for you and life you out of yourself.
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