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Self Respect Advantage-6 Steps to Smash My Esteem Success

Success and happiness in Life Begins with Your Self Respect. Here’s what you can do right now to get started.

Self respect advantage-6 steps to success starts right now. Stand up. Now stretch. Stretch way up high, and then hold in your tummy at your core as best you can and bend over and stretch way down low holding it all in and focus on your core. Get your mind completely open. Are you ready? Let’s get to it.

1. Self Respect Starts with “I CAN”.

Self Respect

I dearly love this quote: “Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” ~Henry Ford

This is respect, and this post is ALL about self respect. I completely did not understand this quote when I read it. I really, really had to think strongly about it and absorb it into my soul. Your first action step to take is to believe. Believe so completely that you are willing to put your money where you mouth is.

It starts with a 30-day plan, and it starts with your physical body. Do you need to get into shape, eat healthier, or just an all-over once over of your physical lifestyle? Start with this wonderful book that I found and have absorbed into my lifestyle. This author is completely amazing — Kelli Shallal, MPH, RD, CPT, CLT (hopefully that’s enough credentials to convince you.)

You Have to Tell Yourself that You CAN Do this.

Self respect starts with self talk. Satan is crafty. They way he gets what he wants is talking to you through your mind. Shake that off immediately. You are a child of God. You are worthy. Get your “I can” attitude pumped up. Let’s get to work. Nothing great ever happened inside of your comfort zone. It starts with I can, and moves on out from there.

2. Share Your Plan with Family and Closest Friends

Use your family to help you on your journey to positive self respect. DO NOT BLAST THIS ON FACEBOOK-IG-TIKTOK because this is NONE of their business! Don’t do it because it is a recipe for failure. That said, you cannot do it alone. You must have support, but the support must come from a source you trust, and NOT from social media because they are fickle, and they are untrustworthy.

No Man Is An Island – John Donne

‘No man is an island’ is an idiom taken from a 1642 sermon by the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, and the Dean happened to be John Donne, a clergyman who now, almost four hundred years later, is regarded as one of the greatest English poets.
Background to John Donne’s ‘No man is an island’ sermon

The words ‘No man is an island’ were embedded in a deeply Christian sermon about how human beings are connected to each other, and how important that connection is for the well-being and survival of any individual. When you hear the church bell tolling for someone who has died, and you don’t ask who it is, Donne says, just know that it’s tolling for you too because you are part of the same society and the death of anyone takes a part of your own life away.

The sermon is noted, not just for ‘no man is an island,’ but also the phrase ‘for whom the bell tolls,’ which was used by Ernest Hemingway as the title of his most famous novel.

Why is it important to share with others?

Why is it important to share with others? Because our self respect is grown and complimented by our tribe….our community. These connections make up our resilience and resolve, and yes, some families and friends will only pay lip service to what you are trying to do, but you can use this as a resolve to show them! Get angry about this and it will help you to prove your worth because believe it or not, that right there shows how much you respect yourself already.

You can also use your friends and family to hold you accountable for staying with the program. An accountability partner is wonderful in this regard.

In order to help you further understand the importance of family, go to my recent post: Family Focus-Family Trust is Vital to Mental Health.

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Do this right now! Completely! Look at your calendar and make appointments for a social outing with someone wonderful!

I’m sure you have heard the idiom “misery loves company’, and so this is a mostly true. Individuals who are miserable know that if they stand near a positive person long enough it might rub off on them and they will have to do something, but by trying to bring you down. Bringing you down validates them, and that is way easier than taking a hard look at themselves.

A positive tribe can work wonders for your self respect and self esteem; therefore, when you hang around people you adore and you want to be more like, you naturally gravitate towards being happier and more well-rounded, not to mention how excited you are that they chose you to be around! It’s a wonderful feeling of being loved and respected, which starts a positive cycle with your own self respect.

4. Get Very Clear On WHY You Want to Build Your Self Respect Advantage

Do you want to do this because you have children and you don’t want them growing up like you, or should you build your self respect advantage because you want to find a life partner, and so far no one even wants to look at you? Or, it could be that have gotten overweight and can’t stand to look at yourself in the mirror anymore, or maybe you love to swim, but showing up in your swimsuit is just not going to happen.

I highly recommend taking these steps to increase your self respect because low self esteem is a massive mental health issue in today’s society. It is so prevalent in fact, that the suicide rate, obesity rate, and addiction rates have climbed to an all-time high, and I am sure this makes you just as sad as it does me.

You are valuable, and you are love, and you are so vitally important. We can all see this, and now you need to see it for yourself and believe it as well. Believing is seeing and seeing is believing.

5. Stop Worrying About Everyone Else

Have you made yourself responsible for everyone else’s happiness? And if so, why? You can’t control them or their circumstances.

I had someone tell me the other day that he worried about some stock person having to kick someone out of the store for not wearing a mask. So, seriously? And so why in the world are you worrying about that? So, what’s wrong with your self respect? So, now you are taking away their opportunity to build their own self esteem when you do that.

Don’t you know that adversity is what builds character?

If you’ve had everything handed to you and no problems ever, and everything done perfectly for you your whole life, then you will never know how much character you have. Don’t take that away from others.

You may think you’re being kind, but you are not, you are being nice, but not kind. That’s just mean! Give that stock person more credit and let him/her do their own job.

You are being Mean, and You are Lowering Your Own Self Respect When You Do for Others What They Can and Should be Doing for Themselves.

How are they ever going to learn? It takes practice to get good at the things that are important in your life. Here’s an example, did you know what you were supposed to do at your job on day one? Of course not, you were taught and took time to learn it. This is true of college especially, so if you knew everything when you started there would be no need to even attend and graduate from college.

Let the stock person learn how to handle a rebel customer. That is not your responsibility. Your self respect will bolster when you watch someone else learn their job.

6. Read Your Bible Every Single Day

There are more tips and tricks on how to be a happy, responsible, well-rounded human being in those thousands of pages that are ageless, timeless, and rewarding than any other resource, ever! Jesus was the only perfect person to have walked the face of this earth, why wouldn’t you want to learn from Him?

It is the number 1 selling book in all of history. There’s more exciting, dramatic, and amazing events than you could ever dream up. There’s more love and positivity pouring from its pages than was ever written. Get to know perfection. Get to know God.

In case you do not have one, here are two resources for you:

This one is the one I use. Mine has been marked up and outlined all over the place….The Zondervan NIV Study Bible!

Self Respect

This Bible has been placed in chronological order to help you put it in perspective. It’s not my favorite, but many people have told me how it has helped them to understand the situation much better.

Start right now, and if you are not today, then when? If your self esteem is low, then it did not get there overnight. Building your self respect advantage is not difficult and you can do it. I believe in you and your loved ones will as well.

Get your mindset into the right place. It will help you get a leg up on your endeavor.


I now challenge you to start right now. What is the first step you have taken? Put your comments below. Did you stretch right at the beginning of this article? Then you have already started? Did you pull up a 30-day weight loss and/or exercise program to get started with? Is it ordered? They you have started.

Did you make your I CAN affirmations to yourself? Do it now! I challenge you to make your I CAN statements every single morning as soon as you get out of bed to put you in the right mindset.


Share your wins in the comments below. Call your mom, and/or call your dad or best friend. Share what you have done to get started, and then call them the next day and share what you have done. Write it down. Celebrate with them! Celebrate yourself privately. Give yourself a little treat…maybe you have a movie you wanted to see, or maybe you wanted to buy a new pair of shoes. Whatever it is, set little goals and keep reaching for them.

Write to me and share your good news! I care. Cheers!

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20
The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied. Proverbs 13:4
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12:1

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Confidence Building Entrepreneur. You are worthy. You are seen, heard and valued. You just don't realize it sometimes. The blog provides insight into mindset change from "I can't" to "I Can"! Helpful tips to overcoming feelings of anxiety, stress, self-doubt, unworthiness, fear, and other negative emotions. It's time to change your mindset to "I can" and start living with a positive mindset. We pray for you.

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