Bold – Speak Truth to Bullshit. This is one of my favorite advice lines of all time. I have a coach who says this quite a bit. If you are worried about anything at all. If you are overcome with fear, self-loathing, or any mental health issue then this one simple phrase is the key and first step to your serenity.
Do the Actions of Others Increase Your Anxiety? Anxiety relief-how to achieve peace of mind in a world where the actions of others continue to…
People Don’t Want to Hear the Truth, They just want Validation for their own Thoughts Truth! Are you placing yourself into a mental prison out…
Self respect advantage-6 steps to success starts right now. Immediately begin your journey to self respect with this article. Actionable steps to start right away.
I Don’t Need My Family’s Input because the Internet Has ALL THE ANSWERS! Oh, and my family doesn’t know anything at all. Why would I…
Trust. Something has been on my heart for a while now. So much so that I may have to rant a while. I have been…
When my relationship busted, I hurt so completely that I figured the best way to fix it was to find someone new to love, and boy did I jump right from the frying pan into the blazing inferno!!
Triumph! My Turning point from worry to self confidence has been a long, slow process, but I have finally achieved my goal. Read how…