Guilt and Shame Here comes the guilt and shame! “You need to get it together!” That’s what I told my boss in the heat of…
Procrastination is pervasive right now with over 88% of workers procrastinate more than 60+ minutes per day and costs productivity.
These ramparts, born from past hurts, disappointments, and grief, serve as shields against further pain. Vulnerability and pain keeps us from joy.
Keeping It Real 5 ways to encourage positive self talk and love. Keeping it real is the best way to find your inner strength and…
Loneliness is not love but it sure feels like it sometimes. Terra was dating this guy Mike whom she suddenly thought she was in love with. Turns out that wasn’t quite right. Find out her I can story here…
A Simple Place to Start I Can be happy! Here are 5 steps to your joyful life. Fortify. Transform. Peace. These are the three pillars…